Apr 10, 2010

week in pictures - and not me monday...

it´s monday again...
nope, no it isn´t... I deny it...maybe if I´ll keep saying it´s not monday, it would be still just one of the lazy week-end days and I would be spending time with Prince M. in his palace...

no...just kidding...I didn´t spend this week-end there, not at all, I didn´t even see Prince M. for such a looong time... :)
and it´s not me on the 2nd photo - not at all, and I´m not wearing Prince M.´s pants neither his shoes - nope, no way...
and we certainly didn´t talk at night... nope, we hardly said a word to each other this week-end...yep that´s it, we didn´t talk neither saw each other at all...and we didn ´t had royal breakfast and didn´t watch a movie and didn´t talk and talk and talk and didn´t forget about the time - and didn´t realise it´s 11 p.m. after almost 5 hours of talking... and I didn´t absolutely fall in love with little Prince M. from old photos and didn´t stare at his little-smiling-self from old pictures for hours and ddin´t take a photo of that old photo and I certainly don´t concider it to be the cutest picture of his majesty in my posession.
nope, not ME


{comfy week-ends}

{little fluffy flying pig whatever}

{the table of an university student}




{Prince M. taking photo of me taking photo of him}

{will you smile for me?}


{cup of mango tea, smoked salmon, brown bread and butter}

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