Dec 17, 2012

yarn-bombing for peace

let's do this, let's yarn-bomb for peace, except, I might have to call it something different, as I plan on continuing this on the way home - and "bombing" is not a word very appreciated at the airports.
I may, or may not have a yarn problem, so I've decided to do something about it and spread christmas cheer.

bad colors, I know - but I hate using flash and there's not much you can do with the light from your electric heater or energy-saving light bulb...

the idea is to knit/crochet/whatever ... small christmas ornaments and decorate the city/school/office with them, for people to take home - you know, giving = christmas spirit ...let's make someone's day brighter.

if you decide to join the fun, please send me a link to your blog post or flicker or if you send me photos of your ornaments I can add them to this post with your name...

my own Mistletoe pattern of Ravelry 

download now
Merry Christmas, let's start yarn-b*mbing for peace.


  1. What a fantastic idea! hope you can get your needles on the plane, I was stopped from taking my circulars on a short 1h 30 flight a few weeks ago!

  2. ok - i downloaded the pattern. how do knit?
