Jan 1, 2011

wild dreams...daydreaming...and first post of 2011

a bunch of crazy beautiful dreams...not a bad way how to start new year...

I dreamed about africa and my kids and being there with prince. We walked around, exploring villages of central Kenya, meeting wonderful people, but most of all, I got to hug my kids again. You can't imagine how good it felt...
I didn't dream about africa for quite a long time (at night) ... I DO think about my kids every day, I wonder if they're all safe, if they have enough food and water, if they're warm enough at night... I imagine myself coming back and holding them all on my knees and just living that moment...no rush, no worries, time for everything - that's how it goes in africa....

...then packing my things and getting ready for the journey back home from grandma... I daydreamed about packing for Kenya...and spent next two hours in the car wishing I was on the way to Vienna (there's the airport from where they fly to NBO)

so this is how my 2011 started... no sadness, no missing, no wishes...just overwhelming need to get up right now and pack y NG backpack and leave... run away - home...

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